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Unlock the pinnacle of Illuvial combat with Omega Abilities. This is your ultimate guide to understand how the Omegas work!

Omega Abilities

Where to find Hyper Meter, Illuvials Energy Meter and Illuvial HP

When an Illuvial is chosen to fight, it has its own signature move to unleash when certain conditions are met. Atlas for example can make a water shield that explodes and deals damage around him. Axodon has the same ability, but his water abilities are more pronounced because of his elderly state.

An Illuvial can unleash such a powerful skill to assist your team or to deal a devastating blow to the enemies. To do this, they require energy that they obtain through attacking or getting damaged by enemies. Once they have reached the maximum amount of energy, they will unleash their Omega ability. In doing so, they will use up all their energy. The Omega Ability of an Illuvial determines to a large extent where you want to place it. A shield creating Illuvial like Atlas can be put in the front row without issue. A laser-beam-shooting Illuvials on the other hand may be better put in the backline as those are usually fragile.


Axodon needs 200 energy and starts with 120 energy.

Axodon shakes its head, summoning a vapour barrier, gaining a ((24% Max Health+300)*OP) Shield for 6 seconds. When the Shield ends, it deals ((14% Max Health+250)*OP) Energy Damage in a Small Area.

*OP = Omega Power

You will be able to find all Energy and Omega descriptions in our Illuviary!

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