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Section 7


Dive into the complex world of Hyper mechanics, where understanding the nuances of Affinities and Classes is just the beginning. This section emphasizes the importance of not only synergizing your team but also strategically countering your opponents. Learn how each Illuvial's preferred enemies and dominant affinities play a pivotal role in gaining the upper hand in combat.


The Affinities and Classes each have their own role to play in the Hyper system and allow your Illuvials to gain a certain power-up during a fight. The Hyper mechanic gives you the feeling that your Illuvial is a wolf in a flock of sheep. If it is closely surrounded by certain Illuvials for an extended period of time, it will gain a significant power-up!

Each Affinity has effective and ineffective opposing Affinities. Water Illuvials thrive in the water and have an innate advantage over Illuvials with an earth Affinity. This advantage does not mean that they gain a damage bonus against the enemy. Instead, the Affinities determine how quickly the Hyper bar is filled.

Enemy team previewHyper Chart

Water Illuvials gain Hyper points when they are surrounded by Earth or Fire Illuvials. In the same way, Air and Nature Illuvials will reduce the amount of Hyper points a Water Illuvial gains.

When the Hyper bar is full, the Illuvial will start rampaging on the board. They gain increased Attack Speed and other bonuses based on the Illuvial’s Class. A Bulwark Illuvial gains increased defensive capabilities and Hit Points, while a Fighter Illuvial gains even more Attack Speed along with attacks that can pierce the enemy’s defenses.

This mechanic significantly affects the outcome of a battle. So always keep the balance of elements in your team relatively even!

Dominant Traits in relation to Hyper

The dominant trait of an Illuvial can be used to retain a certain balance within your team. The Dominant Affinity determines their effect on the enemy Hyper bars. As you know, a Composite Affinity is made up of two primary Affinities where one of them is dominant. The dominant Affinity determines the effect on the Hyper point acquisition rate.


If you have a Magma Illuvial with a Fire dominant Affinity, it will block enemy Nature and Air Illuvials from gaining Hyper points. An Earth dominant Affinity would impede on Fire and Nature, but would increase the enemy Air Hyper point gain instead.

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