Illuvium Showcase 22 - Alpha Illuvitars, Emotes, Wingsuit and more

BinetCauchyMar 305 min read
Showcase Title Image

In this week's Illuvium Showcase Dmitriy (Senior Art Director) joined Andrew to go over the newest leaks. Episode was just over an hour long and there was a lot. We tried to highlight the most important ones and bring them to you. But there is also a video at the end of an article where you can watch the full Showcase 22.

Alpha Illuvitars

One of the first leaks in this showcase was new Alpha Illuvitars Concept art. There is a draft for an IIP with the main goal of "Visual distinction between Alpha and Unlimited Illuvitars" that was first written by Scoot. Since then there was a lot of talks and ideas on how to best implement that distinction. In Showcase they showed only one Work in Progress idea. But Dmitriy said that as soon as there will be more options they will present them to the community so we can choose the best option to go with. We have full trust in design team of Illuvium so we have no doubt it will look really good in the end.

Improved Wingsuit

Next leak was the new improved Wingsuit. As Andrew said: "When you go up in to a high location in any of our regions in the Overworld, in order to better traverse the overworld and not just fall down awkwardly, you can open the Wingsuit and fly about the level." Dmitriy also shared that he thinks you won't be able to use the wingsuit forever but is really not sure, we will just have to wait and see. Overall, Wingsuit looks amazing and in the style of Illuvium so we are, and the chat was, really happy with how it is turning out to look.


We so a few more new Emotes and more Emote concept art. Community is really excited for them, even Kieran is really excited for them. Let us know what are your favourite Emotes!

Emotes Showcase Leak


We got to see a bit more from Chamma, a Stage 1 Chameleon Line Illuvial from Set 2 that was leaked because of Illuvium: Beyond Community goal unlock. Chamma can mimic Class and Affinity of character it's closest to at the start of combat. We are really excited about new gameplay being introduced with Set 2, but we think the main focus should be Set 1 and getting the game ready as soon as possible. 

Chamma Showcase Leak

Crimson Waste not done. It is for now, but... there will be a lot more implemented in Crimson Waste in the future. We got to see some images of how it looks now and concept art of what Illuvium wants to do in the future. Looks amazing and we can't wait to see what Crimson Waste can become.

Crimson Waste Showcase Leak


"You collect this Morphopods in Overworld, and then they have utility back in Illuvium: Zero" - Andrew

Apart from concepts we saw before, we got to see some 3D models as well of Morphopods. We still don't know all the details of how will they work. But it will be interesting to see how are they implemented.

Other Leaks

There was a lot of other little leaks like Illuvials NFT work, Illuvials attacks and omega animations, new interactive plant physics, more Mozart skins, eyes, new Red Panda line leaks and so much more. Some of them we put in this infographics below for you to check out. 

Showcase 22 Other Leaks

For all the other Leaks that we shown in the Showcase 22 you can watch the full video on the Illuvium official YouTube channel:

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