Illuvium Discord Daily Update and Zero Tech Update

BinetCauchyApr 33 min read
Illuvium Discord Hero Image

There was quite a bit of news in the last couple of hours shared on Illuvium Discord so let's quickly get through them and then talk about the community comments from last couple of weeks.

Public roadmap and financial reports

Kieran in his Discord posts today shared that Illuvium team will share a public roadmap this week because that's what the community wants. Additionally to that, the financial team is working on a report to accompany the further increase transparency.

There was a lot of concerns in the community last couple of weeks about the lack of roadmap and lack of transparency of financial reports. This will hopefully put that concerns to rest. And with Gov V2 coming soon. We should have even less concerns in the future.

Kieran Illuvium Discord posts

Illuvium Zero Weekly Tech Update

Also this morning Julien shared the newest Illuvium Zero Tech Update. You can see the whole post in the image below or on our Twitter but basically:

  • v0.1.5 and season 1 is still not ready because they want to have everything perfect for the launch
  • there are some converter efficiency calculations still to be fixed
  • basically everything is functional, but there are still some gameplay and balance issues they want to solve 

Julien also welcomed Taofik to the team, who has been doing QA for the past month, and Theodor who has joined today as a senior Unity developer. 

Julien Illuvium Discord post

Community comments lately

There were a lot of positive and negative comments these past days surrounding Illuvium, but in the end we think that everyone has the same goal - we want the best games possible. While we sometimes don't agree with everything Illuvium is doing, one thing will remain true and that is that everybody on the Illuvium team is doing an amazing job and is going above and beyond to get us closer to that goal.

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